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I am delighted to welcome you all to Kingmoor Junior School. My name is Hayley Robertson and I have the pleasure of being Headteacher here. If I have not yet met you in person, I hope to soon, meanwhile, I hope that this website provides a taste of our vibrant School Community.

During Ofsted (Sept 2021-Good) a pupil quoted that:

‘There is never a dull moment in school’

 And that is just how we like it here. There is always something happening, something to get involved with…something to celebrate!

We understand that choosing a School for your child is an important decision. Through choosing Kingmoor Junior School you have our commitment that we will continue to foster a love of education for life and promise that all children will reach their full potential during their time with us. 

All staff at Kingmoor Junior School are committed to ensuring that all pupils know that they are valued. Mutual respect underpins all that we do and this promotes a positive, inclusive and safe ethos throughout school.

‘Learning – Growing – Achieving Together’

All Kingmoor Junior staff are dedicated, professional, and knowledgeable. Your child will be challenged and supported both inside and outside of the classroom. We are a very well-resourced school with excellent provision to ensure quality first education takes place at all times. Superb grounds, and use of our local nature reserve, enable us to provide a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and fun filled playtimes.

We continue to work closely alongside Kingmoor Nursery and Infant School to ensure that progression and growth from across the playground continues happily and successfully. Our school song, link below, also includes the lyrics, ‘from an acorn to a tree,’ which pupils wrote and recorded themselves. This song symbolises the next chapter of education with our school. Please do take the time to listen to this-we are all very proud of it!    'from an acorn to a tree'

At Kingmoor Junior School we recognise and celebrate all that is achieved-no matter how big or how small. Together we can all achieve great things!

I, as Headteacher of Kingmoor Junior School am extremely proud of the inclusive, and caring approach that all show towards each other. Communication and links between families and the wider community continue to be excellent. This is both vital and valued by staff, who every day strive to create and provide the best possible learning environment and learning opportunities for your children.

Please remember that our door is always open to you! 

On behalf of the pupils, staff, and Governors, I welcome you to Kingmoor Junior School. 

Miss Robertson
Kingmoor Junior School