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School Uniform

Kingmoor Junior School has a compulsory school uniform and PE kit which all pupils must wear.

The school uniform consists of:
Dark grey or black trousers or skirts, a royal blue sweatshirt, and a white polo shirt. Blue sweatshirts, with the school logo embroidered on the front, can be purchased from the school throughout the school year

A blue fleece bearing the school logo can also be purchased from the school.

In summer, children will be permitted to wear short dark grey or black trousers or blue and white school summer dresses. Short trousers will not include football shorts. White polo shirts, embroidered with the school logo, can be purchased from the school office. Footwear should be either black shoes or trainers. Laces should be also dark in colour. In the summer children may wear suitable sandals.

 P.E. Kit:
It is essential that all children change for a Physical Education lesson. It is particularly important that children change their footwear.

The School adopts a unisex PE kit of:
Indoor PE Kit    Outdoor PE Kit  
Sky blue T-Shirt  Navy Blue Sports Sweatshirt
Navy Blue Shorts  Navy Blue Jogging
White Gym Socks Trainers

School Uniform can be purchased from the school office
£11.00 / (adult £15)
White Polo
£17.00 / (adult £20)

PE Kit can also be purchased from the school office

(adult £15) 
(adult £6.00)


(adult £5.50)

Jogging Bottoms
(no adult)

All Items £30.00 (adult £36.00)

5-6 years (116cm), 7-8 years (128cm)
9-10 years (140cm), 11-12 years (152cm)
Adult sizes XS,S and M

Some items of pre-loved clothing may be available.  Please ask at the school office.